PO Box 174
Fairfield, MT 59436
(406) 590-2744
About 8 years ago, a group of concerned neighbors learned that over 2377 individuals are on a waiting list for the Development Disabilities Program. This waiting list is anywhere between 7 to 10 years. This can be an incredibly long wait for aging or ailing caregivers of developmentally disabled adults. This group took action and created Farm in the Dell Rocky Mountain Front (FIDRMF). This mission we support is very clear: to ensure these adults in our community continue to live in a happy, healthy, independent, and productive environment in areas they grew up and live in.
To date, with the support of our communities, Farm in the Dell RMF has raised funds to purchase approximately 17 acres of irrigated ground near Fairfield, MT. Utilities have been installed on the property to support the construction of up to two homes, each supporting 6 adults with intellectual disabilities. Residents will be able to live and work on the farm while remaining actively involved in the communities they love. Last year we saw the addition of a barn on the property to support the livestock residents can choose to have. Grant funding has been received to purchase and install a corral at the barn. We were able to upgrade the irrigation system on the farm to allow easier and more efficient watering of the alfalfa hay currently grown there. Future plans include a garden, possible greenhouse, chicken coop, Learning/Activity Center, and community garden.
We continue to pursue funding for the farm through grants, employer charitable match programs, various programs such as grocery store community rewards programs, Network for Good, etc. This will be the third year we have a hay crop and will sell those bales to support our projects as well.
To date this project remains debt free. The large grants we are pursuing require us to have a large percentage of our funds in the bank before they will grant their support. We currently have approximately $17,000 growing in the bank as we seek other grants and fundraising opportunities to meet our goals.